Desnoyers, Mathieu, McKenney, Paul E., and Dagenais, Michel R, Multi-core systems modeling for formal verification of parallel algorithms, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, volume 47 issue 2, July 2013, pages 51-65.


Desnoyers, Mathieu, Proving the Correctness of Nonblocking Data Structures, ACM Queue, 11 (5): 30-43 (2013).


Desnoyers, Mathieu, and Dagenais, Michel R., Lockless multi-core high-throughput buffering scheme for kernel tracing, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, volume 46 issue 3, December 2012, pages 65-81.

Abstract / Paper

Desnoyers, Mathieu, McKenney, Paul. E., Stern, Alan S., Dagenais, Michel R. and Walpole, Jonathan, User-Level Implementations of Read-Copy Update, IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23 (2): 375-382 (2012).

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Abstract / Paper / Supplementary material

Desnoyers, Mathieu and Dagenais, Michel R., Synchronization for fast and reentrant operating system kernel tracing, Practice and Experience, 40(12): 1053-1072 (2010).
